Sullivan County Dems Endorse Kathleen Lara for County Treasurer
The Sullivan County Democratic Committee has unanimously endorsed Kathleen Lara for the position of Sullivan County Treasurer. “Her experience as Deputy Treasurer over the last ten years has eminently qualified her for the position of Treasurer” said Sullivan County Democratic Chair Anne Hart. Kathleen Lara explains that “the role of Treasurer is one that demands expertise, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of both the community and the law.” If elected Treasurer I will continue to maintain an office that is efficient, approachable, and transparent—always focused on serving the people of this community.”
Proud Democrats
The Sullivan County Democratic Committee is the official Democratic Committee in Sullivan County, New York. Our mission is to inspire and encourage the greatest participation in the affairs of the Party, to insure the continuing success of the Party and to elect Democratic candidates to provide the best possible responsible government for the people of Sullivan County, its towns and the State of New York.