By | October 3, 2021

Dear Legislators:

The Chair of the Legislature, selected by your majority vote,is expected to uphold the integrity of that office on behalf of the residents of Sullivan County and the County Legislature.  This includes the exercise of proper judgment as to when it is, and when it is not appropriate to speak on behalf of the entire legislature.  

On many occasions, theChair has exhibited a pattern of troubling behavior, including but not limited to making public and sometimes libelous statements on behalf of the legislature without consent from its members and conducting negotiations outside of the legislative process without the knowledge of its members.  Additionally, he has acted in an openly rude and hostile manner to other members of the Legislature, verbally threatening them as well as acting disrespectfully to members of the public.  All of this has brought embarrassment and dysfunction to County Government.

The Executive Committee of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee condemns District 1 Legislator Robert Doherty for his defamatory and unsubstantiated statements and actions, which have placed the County in jeopardy and caused harm to both members of the public and his fellow legislators.

This Committee condemns District 1 Legislator Robert Doherty for dishonestly issuing statements of the legislature that did not represent the views of even a majority of the legislators, placing the County in harm’s way and causing pain and anguish to his co-workers, and members of the public.

Our Committee hereby calls for the resignation of Robert Doherty as Chairman of the Legislature and upon his resignation expects that the Legislature select a new Chair that will honestly and ethically serve the people of the County, in a respectful tone, and that their choice be made on an apolitical basis, respecting the choices of the voters of our County while demanding civil, honest and ethical leadership.

In the event that District 1 Legislator Doherty refuses to resign the chairmanship, we strongly urge that each of the eight (8) remaining legislators immediately move to amend the Charter of the County of Sullivan, to allow for the recall of the Chairmanship, and remove District 1 Legislator Doherty as Chair.

It is the will of our Committee that all Legislators, whether they are Democrat or Republican, be encouraged to select a new Chair, based solely upon their values and their commitment to ethical and honest government, regardless of their party affiliation, it being the sincere hope of this Committee that Sullivan County Government return to functioning in a professional, honest and ethical manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Vegliante, Chair On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Sullivan County Democratic Committee